Asia – The best holiday destination

Asia – The best holiday destination

Asia is a continent of great beauty – a place where tradition, religion and modernity are closely interlinked with the people’s day to day lives. The sheer size of the human population on the Asian continent makes this a place of many cultures and practices. This along with the beautiful natural landscape as well as legendary man-made architectural edifices makes Asia a must stop for any tourist.

With more and more operators providing cheap flights to Thailand as well as flights to other beautiful countries in the Asian continent, taking a holiday to Asia is fast ever-changing from a ‘if’ to a ‘when’ for tourists from across the globe. One is spilt for choice if opting to go to the tourist spots in the South East Asian nations of Malaysia, Singapore, Burma, Thailand and Cambodia.

Before making the choice to travel however, there are a few things you should note. Chief among them is that the development levels in these countries vary. For instance, do not expect Cambodia to be on the same level of development with Singapore.

As a tourist, even as you look for cheap flights to Cambodia for example, there are four things you should always aim to do before travelling anywhere: get sufficient information on the region you are visiting, go for the necessary jabs before travelling, take out necessary travel insurance (as you never know what can happen) and plan your itinerary for your entire stay in order to make the most of your time.

While South East Asia nations are relatively peaceful and stable countries, there are areas that you must be careful of before visiting. But this is not something to be worried about as all it takes is contacting your travel agent for information on where you can go and places that you must avoid.

It also helps to know the location of your country’s embassy in the nation you are visiting. This is probably the best place to get information on which parts of the country are unsafe to visit and what to do in case of an emergency. As long as you are reasonably aware of your surroundings, you need not fret about it.

You should also familiarize yourself with the currency the country trades in and whether you can use your home currency to make payments. For instance in Thailand purchases can only be made using the national currency – the Thai Bhat (THB). But in Cambodia, you can pay for products and services you buy using US Dollars.

Getting all the necessary vaccination shots is something you must do concurrently when looking for your bargain holiday. That said, even though it may be expensive, the health care system in Thailand is ranked one of the best in the region. The same cannot be said of Cambodia though – any serious medical issue will most likely have to be referred to hospitals outside the country.

You can always dodge the headache of hospital bills in the event that you fall ill when overseas by purchasing the travel insurance.

