Dive in to Dublin

Wake up in the city that’ll ask your name – and what you’re up to – for a truly unforgettable break. Literati, glitterati and the party hearty all feel instantly at home, and there’s unbelievable amounts to see and do. Grab a Guinness in the famous Storehouse, step back in time at the City Hall, or pedal your way to an unexpected adventure with Dublinbikes. Whatever you do, dive in to Dublin.
Have you met the taxi driver in Dublin who swears blind he knew James Joyce? Have you climbed to the highest pub in Dublin for a Hooley? Or was it the loudest – even without music? Have you laughed out loud at your crash course in comedy on Wicklow Street (or even as you learned the art of conversation with a bunch of friendly Dubliners)? Have you sung out chorus and verse of Molly Malone, not realising you know all the words by heart?
You haven’t? Well, if you’re looking for a memorable weekend, then you’ve got to head to Dublin – the most hospitable of cities! But don’t just take our word for it…TripAdvisor thinks so, too! ‘Dublin,’ the travel experts say, ‘is Europe’s friendliest city, with the friendliest locals!’
You can talk to anyone – the waitress serving your coffee, the women selling flowers on Grafton Street, the guy behind the bar who is slowly and precisely pulling your pint of Guinness, the landlady in your B&B advising you to wear a vest because there’s a nip in the air – and you’ll suddenly find yourself getting to know far more about Dublin (and Dubliners) than you ever thought possible! Yes, well, we are a rather friendly bunch…
And it’s not just TripAdvisor! ‘One hour in Dublin,’ says Cosmopolitan Magazine, ‘and you’ll be high on the craic – its explosive mixture of energy and warmth, music and style, not to mention more than 1,000 bar counters where the chat and banter will welcome you in.
Dublin, it’s as friendly as a village and as intimate as a pub, so do as ParisMatch suggests: ‘Let yourself be seduced by the charming hospitality of Dublin and the Dubliners marvellous sense of celebration.’ What are you waiting for?
Find out more at http://www.ireland.com/en-gb.